Working with Us
A Daily Pursuit of Excellence :
Why would I want to be anywhere else?
People, Practice and Processes are the three cornerstones of our pursuit of excellence at Netorbit. We keenly promote an open culture, encouraging feedback, and we respond actively to transform it into action. We believe that excellence is not a destination but a journey of continuous improvement.
Understanding that in a competitive world we can neither afford to be complacent nor rest on past laurels, we at Netorbit listen frequently to what our NetorbitITes have to say. Through formal surveys as well as informal discussion, we listen to feedback and suggestion. Based on the responses of some these, we culled out the core 'Strengths of Netorbit, the key factors that make NetorbitITes talk with pride about Netorbit as an employer, reasons that make them stay in Netorbit and strive for excellence. The answers we found entirely reinforce our saying, 'Indeed why would I want to be anywhere else?'

Development and Training :
We at Netorbit believe in individual growth and overall development. Potential is recognized and opportunities for further learning are provided. Our training programs are on par with elite universities and every year a large number of fresh graduates are galvanized into thorough professionals in their chosen fields.
Netorbit Leaders Program :
We not only groom your talent but also bring out the leader in you. Our Leadership Program gears you up to take the challenge for successfully heading large and strong teams. The program is designed to identify the specific actions and attitudes that constitute the Netorbit leader's qualities. It examines how each manager rates against these qualities, provide an understanding of how the required skills and competencies can be developed and plan what each individual can do to strengthen his or her leadership qualities.
Work Recognition :
Rewards recognizing a significant contribution from every employee await you at Netorbit. Some of them are given here for your reading:
Performance : If you or your team's performance is of a superlative standard, you win the highest reward our company has to offer - Netorbit Hall of Fame. It's in recognition of your sustained and consistent performance.
Innovation : If you come up with the most innovative idea or a solution that other's couldn't think of, you shall be rewarded with Mastermind, the highest acclaim in recognition of your imagination and innovation.
Team spirit : In recognition of your effort in the team, an instant reward is given to you - Feather-in-my cap. If you help your colleague in his hour of crisis, he would nominate you for Thanks a Zillion in recognition of your professional help in bailing him out of a difficult situation. (It can be your peer, boss, or subordinate).